
4 Ways To Maximize HVAC Efficiency

In the heart of Indianapolis, Quality Plumbing & Heating Inc. stands as a beacon of excellence in providing top-notch HVAC…


The Importance of Regular HVAC Maintenance

Maintaining your HVAC system might not be the most glamorous aspect of homeownership. Still, it's undeniably crucial, especially in a…


4 Ways to Conserve Water and Reduce Your Water Bill

Homeowners must find ways to trim expenses in an era where every penny counts. One often overlooked area where significant…


4 Most Common Causes of Household Water Leaks

Household water leaks can be an Indianapolis homeowner's nightmare, causing inconvenience and potential property damage. At Quality Plumbing & Heating…


How To Deep Clean Your Kitchen Sink

The holiday season is a time for celebration, joy, and gathering with loved ones. However, with increased guests and food…


5 Ways Hiring a Plumber Can Make Your Life Easier

Most homeowners tend to get nervous when they think about hiring a plumber. After all, when something goes wrong with…


Plumbing and HVAC Halloween Horror Stories

As Halloween approaches and horror movies fill our screens, many homeowners recognize the chilling feeling of a real-life horror story…


Fall A/C Maintenance Basics

Just because it's fall doesn't mean forgetting about air conditioning and A/C maintenance is okay. In fact, it's a great…


August in Indiana: Is Your A/C Working?

No matter what state you live in, summertime temperatures can be brutal. But for folks living in Indiana, the heat…


Air Quality in Indianapolis this Summer

The air quality in Indianapolis has been especially poor this summer, causing health concerns and discomfort. To understand these issues…